Laminate flooring purchase and maintenance Raiders

Laminate flooring, also known as laminate flooring, is a floor covering made using medium-density wood-based panels or high-density wood-based panels through molding, lamination, trimming, and cutting interfaces.

Laminate flooring is generally composed of four layers of composite materials: the bottom layer, the substrate layer, the decorative layer and the wear-resistant layer. The number of revolutions of the wear layer determines the life of the composite floor.

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Made of density board, depending on density board density, it can also be divided into low density board, medium density board and high density board.

Decorative layer: After the special paper printed with a specific pattern (mainly based on simulated solid texture) is soaked in a solution of trimerized hydrogen ammonia, after chemical treatment, the chemical properties of the paper are stabilized after the reaction is heated with a trimerized hydrogen ammonia, and no chemical reaction occurs. The characteristics of the reaction make this paper a beautiful and durable decorative layer.

Wear-resisting layer: It is an anti-wear agent composed of a uniform layer of aluminum oxide on the surface of the laminate floor. The content of aluminum oxide and the thickness of the film determine the number of revolutions of wear. The number of revolutions of the wear layer containing about 30 g of aluminum oxide per square meter is about 4000 revolutions, the wear resistance number of 38 g is about 5,000 revolutions, and the abrasion resistance number of 44 g is 9000 revolutions. Around, the greater the content and film, the higher the number of revolutions, the more wearable.

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