Sports Star Schumacher £30 Million Luxury Home

The big names in the sports are all aware that it is not easy to make money. One point and one cent are hard earned on the field. It is the best way to reward yourself and your family with a hard earned property. Sports stars choose luxury homes, lots, room types, areas, and so on. After you buy it back, you have to do some of the most personalized decoration according to your preferences. How much value of home and house, to some extent, also reflects the owner's status in sports, not to mention the real estate is not a devaluation of the investment, the stars are naturally willing to take heavy money in this regard. Let's take a look at the sports superstar Schumacher’s top £30 million luxury home below!

King Michael Schumacher

Sports Star Schumacher £30 Million Luxury Home

Schumacher's "Schumi Castle" is located on the picturesque Geneva River in Switzerland, adjacent to many celebrity mansions. This imitation medieval castle has eight bedrooms, five shower cabins and a huge, monolithic kitchen that costs £3 million.

Star home interior decoration bathroom cubicle

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