Scientific tube sows are more prosperous and strong

Adjusting gestational age structure

In general, the reproductive performance of 3-6 fetal sows is in the best period. To ensure the reproductive capacity of the sows, the sows in this gestational age should be kept at about 60%, and the first and second sows are 30. % to 35%, and 7 or more tires are 5% to 10%.

Selection of gilts

The gilts are selected one month before breeding. The method is to combine the reproductive performance of the family, choose to stay well, have more teats and no abnormalities, the teat and the vagina are large and normal, and the hind legs are required to be wide, preferably the two rows of teats are separated. Larger, sows with three pairs of teats in front of the umbilical cord. After the selection, the breeding should be properly restricted, so that the sows are not over-fertilized or too thin, and the vertebrae and ribs can not be seen, but the vertebrae can be touched and the ribs can not be touched. Feeding starts 2 weeks before breeding, reaching 2.0 to 2.5 kg per day. The nutritional level of the feed reaches about 16% of crude protein, and the minerals and vitamins are sufficient.

Choosing the timing of weaning

In order to prevent the occurrence of mastitis, the sow should be gradually reduced to about 2 kg three days before weaning. However, in order to promote the estrus of the sow and increase the number of ovulation after weaning, high-quality feed (crude protein ≥16%, metabolic energy ≥3.1 mega-cal/kg, lysine ≥0.8%) should be used. The feed volume can be given according to the lyrics. Day 2.3 to 2.6 kg.

Do a good job during pregnancy

Sows are generally administered twice, from the second day of the second breeding to the third week after the breeding, low-energy low-protein feed (generally crude protein ≤14%, metabolizable energy 3.0-3.1 mega-cal/kg) should be supplied. The daily feeding amount is 1.5 to 2.0 kg. Otherwise, the secretion of progesterone may be affected by excessive intake of feed, the death of the embryo is increased, and the number of litters is reduced.

From the 4th week to the 80th day of pregnancy, the feeding of low-energy and low-protein feed should be continued, but the daily feed volume should be increased by 0.3-0.5 kg compared with the pre-pregnancy period, reaching 1.8-2.3 kg per day. At this stage, the proper sensation of the sow must be guaranteed. If it is not easy to master, do not lose weight, because excessive feeding during pregnancy will lead to anorexia during lactation, emergence of no secretion or less bleeding, or too much weight loss, affecting the fertility of the subsequent parity.


Late pregnancy management

From the 80th day of pregnancy to the birth, in order to ensure the rapid growth of the fetus, improve the birth weight and health of the piglets, this stage of the sow should be fed high-energy high-protein feed, the daily feeding amount is generally 2.3 ~ 2.8 kg. The sows were expelled from the in vitro and in vivo parasites 2 weeks before the birth, and the body surface disinfection was transferred to the farrowing house (bed) one week before the birth.

Lactation feeding

High-energy, high-protein feed should be fed during lactation. Generally, the crude protein is greater than 16%, and the digestive energy is greater than 3.1 mega-cal/kg. The amount of feed in the first 3 days after calving was 1.8 to 2.3 kg, and 0.5 kg per day was increased from the 4th day until free access.

1. Timely breeding, through the combination of pheromones, nasal and nasal contact, back-reflex test and other signs of estrus in the sow, the estrus should be identified twice a day, and the sows are considered as estrus after receiving the boar. Generally, the method of estrus is used twice for breeding. For the sows found in the morning, the first time in the afternoon, the second day is matched with the second day. For the sows found in the afternoon, the sows are first planted the next morning, and the afternoon is the first. Secondary breeding.

2. Use hormones to regulate the reproductive function of sows. The use of hormones can achieve better results in some cases. However, the use of hormones must be based on the management of feeding, to maintain the normal and moderately thin body condition of the sow, to prevent disease infection, and on this basis, the sows that can not be properly estrus can be adjusted with hormones.

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