U.K.: Ecobot III with "sewage"

U.K.: Ecobot III with "sewage"

Ecobot III is a cleaning robot that uses "sewage for food"

With the rapid advancement of science and technology, humankind may live together with robots in the future. They will be like good friends of mankind. Recently, new generations of robots have been newly developed in Bristol and Essex in the United Kingdom. Their functions are more powerful and they can play an important role in human life and work.

These robots can rescue humans, clean sewers, and become our companions. Scientists even hope that some bionic robots will one day be able to compete and defeat humans, for example: playing football with humans.

Some robots are able to walk, talk and dance, speak 20 languages, talk to humans in real time, and have a lifelike expression. The BERT2 bionic robot can interact with humans through expressive faces and artificial hands. In theory, these intelligent robots can be used anywhere in the world and become robotic surgeons performing remote surgery.

There are also some robots inspired by nature that can swim in the water like fish, or simulate flying birds and insects. Robotic fish has the swimming speed and posture of a large carp and can be controlled automatically. It can be used to monitor the quality of polluted water and detect leaks from ships in the harbour.

Dr. Roannes-Eropoulos, a senior researcher at the British robotics laboratory, said that scientists have now obtained inspiration from nature and naturally show us the perfect side, which will help us solve many engineering problems. It is reported that he designed a robot - EcoBot III, through the "food" sewage can provide power. This sewage provides "nutrients" for robotic fuel cells and generates electricity to drive them.

This self-sustaining function means that it can eventually roam in the sewers where it is cleaned. Dr. Airoplos emphasized that scientists can design robots to operate in harsh and lethal environments by watching how animals in the natural world can sustain their lives, provide services to humans and accomplish difficult tasks.

Like robots and search robots, they have sensitive "beards" that can be used for rescue missions to search for dark caves.

iCub is the youngest robot. It simulates three and a half year old children and is used to study how people can learn in the environment. Robothespian is a robot developed by British Cornwall Engineering Art Co., Ltd. It is a robot that has "human behavior" and can perform as a human actor according to a program design. It uses facial recognition software to simulate human activities and has facial expressions. One version of the robot speaks 20 different languages.

Unmanned aerial vehicles can simulate the flying ability of birds and insects, hovering in the air, they have been used in the military field, and even entered the civilian field, and can be responsible for search rescue missions.

Nao is a robot that can talk and walk and respond to human language. It can now be deployed in paediatric wards to provide advice and advice to young patients with chronic diseases.

"Jules" and "Eve" are bionic human head robots. They can also speak and show human-like facial expressions. Their faces are covered with a synthetic skin and look more realistic. (long)

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